Local SEO Services

By deploying a Local SEO strategy, you will optimize your online presence thereby increasing local traffic, visibility, and brand awareness.

Any business that has a physical location or serves a geographic area can benefit from local search.

    Make Local SEO Work For You!

    Your customers are always looking for you, so why not make it easier for them

    Create a Business

    Register your business on Google My Business and receive the benefits of local SEO

    Add Your Profile

    By adding a Google business profile you are rewarded by Google My Business and given local SEO tips

    Choose Your Business

    Google Maps requires your industry which will benefit local SEO businesses in your area

    Add Services

    The best way to get your products right in front of people in your area is to use Google My Business

    Add Business Hours

    By completing your business hours, you maximize how online directories and citations find your business

    Get Strategized

    Having completed your checklist, you can contact us about your local SEO strategies

    Lost in the local maze?

    What matters for Local SEO?

    These are the 3 most important local SEO ranking factors that matter

    1. Relevance

    Where is your business?

    how closely related a Google Business Profile result is to the words a searcher uses in their query

    2. Distance

    How far away are you?

    how far Google believes a user is from a business when they search

    3. Prominence

    Get ready to meet your goals!

    how important Google thinks a business is to its potential customers

    Get a Personalised Local SEO Checklist for your business

    How do you Create a Local SEO Strategy?

    Actually...How do I dominate local SEO?

    Our strategies use multiple disciplines in finding keywords people use, leveraging online tools and optimizing your profile.

    Ranking for highly competitive keywords drives highly targeted local traffic to your site and sends more customers your way.

    Try us out!

    Why is local SEO important?

    Local SEO targets specific audiences in your area to attract leads and increase conversions

    1. Local Keywords

    Rank Higher in Google

    76 percent of people who look for a nearby business on their smartphones visit them within a day’s time, and 28 percent of these searches end in a purchase

    2. Increase Website Traffic

    Don't just take our word for it

    Local website traffic can optimize your website’s visibility, directly boost your sales and make your brand recognizable to a local audience

    3. Convert Online Searches

    Local SEO Converts into Offline Purchases

    67 percent of consumers say that they research most products online before shopping for them and with an estimated 30% of traffic going to the websites on the first page of SERPS

    4. A Free Source of Local Advertising

    Seriously...no cost

    Since local SEO does not cost anything to implement, it is considered a free and effective form of online advertising

    5. Get Reviews From Nearby Clients

    Local SEO Can Help!

    If your business does not have any reviews, potential consumers may be hesitant to give you their money. Local SEO is an effective way to get quality reviews from previous customers.

    6. Customers in Your Area Need Your Service

    Local is lekker!

    When a web user with an immediate need sees your local listing (and not your competitors) they will likely choose to buy from you

    Join our newsletter

    Local SEO Blog

    Getting your business on directories is important. But so is monitoring them. Keep up-to-date here

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    Boost your Local SEO and Dominate Local Search

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    A Content Marketing Strategy For Small Business

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    Contact Us

    Give us a call, drop us an email or fill out the form and one of our digital marketing experts will get right back to you.
    065 942 2485
    Portion 13, Vaalbank, Magaliesburg

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